SkillfulMIND Meditation Classes

I am is pleased to announce that I am now part of a growing enterprise called SkillfulMind having qualified as a SkillfulMind Meditation Leader and become an affiliate.  I am offering weekly sessions for anyone wishing to start or enhance their own meditation practice.

Sessions will take place at St Hilda's Church Hall.

The sessions begin at 5.30pm. on Friday evenings.

Cost is £6 per session or £25 if you pay in advance for a 5-week block.

Although the sessions follow a series of lesson plans they are designed so that if you if you miss a week you will not get behind.  


If you want to learn to meditate but cannot get to my sessions or there is no Skillful MIND class in your area you can still benefit from Peter Radcliffe's training online - click here to find out more!

Become a SkillfulMIND Leader

SkillfulMIND logo

I believe that so many people can benefit from meditation once per week, which is why I chose to sign up to become a Skillful MIND Leader and run meditation sessions in my area.

Skillful MIND is run by an avid meditator, Peter Radcliffe, who has the bold ambition to see meditation being taught in every city, suburb, town and village around the world.

Peter's programme has made it easy for me to get up and running as he supplies training videos, certification, lesson plans and everything someone would need to start their own meditation class.

Are you also interested in joining me in starting a meditation class in your community? If so, click here to find out more. It would be great to see you also running a group in your community and I would be happy to help you if you needed it.

If you want to keep up-to-date with my classes and any other information please like & follow my Dreamstone Holistics Meditation Facebook page