“Five Elements Therapies” combine aspects of the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to healing with Reiki, Reflexology, Crystal Therapy, Tuning Forks and other complementary techniques to bring about a sense of balance, harmony and wellbeing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Five Element Theory says that the energy of the world can be divided into five ‘movements’ or ‘processes’ which are sometimes called phases or elements.

The Elements are:


From a range of available treatments the session will be tailored to your needs, following a full consultation.

Before booking a treatment check out the Contra-actions & contra-indications page.

For a list of current treatment prices please click here.


Due to issues with people making initial appointments and not showing up I have decided to ask for a small deposit to be paid to secure an appointment when it is made. The deposit will be deducted from the session Fee. This takes effect from May 8th 2018.
If you have booked your appointment please pay your deposit here - Thank You.


Reiki is a Japanese technique which, simply put, aims to provide stress reduction and relaxation and may also promote healing.

"REI" loosely translated from the Japanese means unseen or spiritual

"KI" relates to Chi - the energy within all living things

A Reiki practitioner is a person who has been 'attuned' to Reiki and can act as a conduit for Reiki energy.

The Treatment


Potential benefits that may be obtained through receiving a course of Reiki treatments include:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Reduced tension & anxiety
  • Boosted energy levels
  • A feeling of inner calm, contentment and serenity
  • Feeling more positive, confident and better able to cope
  • Dealing better with stressful people and situations
  • Creates balance, harmony, clarity and focus
  • Encourages self-love and compassion towards others
  • Leads to a better quality of life for many people
  • Brings a sense of purpose

If appropriate I will also incorporate the use of the Amethyst Bio-Mat at no extra charge.

If you have never tried Reiki before why not contact me to book a taster session for £15!

If you would like to learn Reiki for yourself then check out the Reiki courses I offer.


A crystal therapy session involves the recipient lying fully-clothed on a couch, although it can be done with the recipient sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. The therapist will possibly use a crystal pendulum to dowse what layouts/crystals are required for the recipient and will place them accordingly on/around the recipient's body.

Whatever layout(s)/techniques the therapist uses, one of the main aims of the session is to allow the recipient to feel relaxed and calm.

Potential benefits of a crystal therapy treatment include:

  • a deep sense of relaxation, thereby reducing stress levels
  • enhancement of other complementary therapies and treatments e.g. reiki, massage
  • quick & effective balancing of the energy system
  • an effective aid to spiritual & personal development

If appropriate I will also incorporate the use of the Amethyst Bio-Mat at no extra charge.

If you have never had a crystal therapy treatment before then why not book a taster session for £15! Contact me for details.

Want to learn more about crystals? Then check out the range of courses and workshops I offer.

Pendulum over crystals on chakra pillows
Woman on couch receiving tuning fork therapy


Generally tuning forks can be used during other treatments as an additional source of vibrational energy (e.g. reiki, reflexology, Indian Head massage), even if only for initial relaxation or grounding during the treatment.

A tuning fork session, however, involves the recipient lying fully-clothed on a couch, although it can be done with the recipient sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. The therapist will possibly use a pendulum to dowse what tuning fork or set of tuning forks are required for the recipient.

Whatever tuning fork or set the therapist uses, one of the main aims of the session is to allow the recipient to feel relaxed and calm.

Potential benefits of a tuning fork treatment include:

  • a deep sense of relaxation, thereby reducing stress levels
  • enhancement of other complementary therapies and treatments e.g. reiki, massage
  • quick & effective balancing of the energy system
  • an effective aid to spiritual & personal development

If appropriate I will also incorporate the use of the Amethyst Bio-Mat at no extra charge.

I trained with Debbi Walker of Suara Sound Academy.

If you have never had a tuning fork treatment before then why not book a taster session for £15! Contact me for details.



I gained my qualification in Five Element Reflexology with Heidi Armstrong of Complementary Therapy College

Potential benefits include:



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Facial Acupressure therapy treats the unique structure of the face to support emotional and stress relief. It also incorporates working with the Chinese Acupressure facial map to benefit the whole body.

Treatments involve preparing the skin and having an extremely relaxing treatment in which you will feel pampered and become deeply relaxed. You will feel and look revitalised it's a very safe treatment and good for those with chronic conditions

Example image

I trained with Heidi Armstrong's Complementary Therapy College

Example image

The treatment can be enhanced with the inclusion of crystals and their vibrational energy. For example: jade rollers (as in image left), rose quartz rollers, or various crystal massage wands.

If appropriate I will also incorporate the use of the Amethyst Bio-Mat at no extra charge.