In line with current legislation and to ensure the safety of my clients, myself and others I am required to ask that you provide me with information regarding your current state of health and contact details for the track and trace process in the event that either of us develops symptoms or has contact with anyone else who has symptoms of the virus. I thank you in advance for your co-operation and understanding in this matter.

I also ask that if you have an appointment booked or are enrolled on a workshop/course with me that should you develop any symptoms or have contact with anyone else who has symptoms of the virus please inform me but most important of all - do not attend your appointment/workshop/course

COVID-19 Pre-Screening Form

Please complete the following form prior to attending any appointment/course/workshop.  Thank you for your co-operation.

COVID-19 PreScreening Form
  • Please tell me if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms::
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